复旦大学EMBA 20周年 全球合作商学院纷纷祝贺

教育频道 0


Kavitha Bindra

Assistant Dean

Yale School of Management


The growing executive education sector in China is committed to cultivating executive talents and we’re pleased to be able to support that mission through our programs that focus on strategic thinking, modern management techniques and leadership development. Fudan emphasises on preparing students to thrive in a complex global economy with vision and acceptance of social responsibility.

Once again, a happy new year to everyone at Fudan from everyone at Yale School of Management and congratulations on two impressive decades the Executive MBA teaching and learning in China.

中国的EMBA教育致力于培养高级管理人才,我们也很高兴为其提供了耶鲁的教育项目。我们致力于培养决策性思维,锻炼现代管理技术 以及决策领导力,复旦大学强调让学生具备在风云变幻的全球经济大环境下应对自如的能力,并有独到远见以及社会责任感。


Peter Hirst

Senior Associate Dean

MIT Sloan School of Management


The program is cultivating executive talents and enhances China’s economy development, and supplying fuel for the enterprises among key industries in China. MIT Sloan’s partnership with Fudan began in 2004. And in 2007, our early executive education program began. Our faculty continues to look forward to teaching this program because of the discussion of the ideas that are generated over the days of Fudan’s EMBA visit.

We look forward to continuing our programing with the EMBA classes Congratulations again for all of us to all of you and best wishes for a successful new year.



François Ortalo-Magné


London Business School


The students who join us from Fudan EMBA Program are high category internationally focused mind set and most diligent. Today we offer heartfelt congratulations to the program on its 20-year anniversary. This is a remarkable milestone and the impact of its alumni must be felt across the business community.


Vincenzo Vinzi




The EMBA participants from Fudan are always very much appreciated by everyone here at ESSEC. My wish for the next 20 years is that more and more students and participants participate into international studies, so as to develop mutual understanding between continents and build new motors for our economies and societies in order to create more value and to make our world more sustainable inclusive and fair.

Joyeux anniversaire Executive MBA to Fudan, Happy Birthday Fudan’s Executive MBA


复旦EMBA 二十周年生日快乐

Lars Strannegård


Stockholm School of Economics


And during these pandemic times we can really feel the necessity of international collaboration. And I just hope that we can continue the great collaborations that we had with Fudan within the PIM network and of course within the GNAM network. It's immensely valuable to us.

And it's my great pleasure to say warm congratulations to Fudan executive MBA 20 years incredible.



Udi Aharoni

General & Academic Director

Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University


In the last decades Fudan University and Tel Aviv University had a long time and long lasting collaboration. We wish that in the next coming years we are going to host additional many executives and future executives of Fudan University EMBA program.

I want to congratulate you for your 20th anniversary of the EMBA program. I wish everyone a happy New Year and a happy New Tiger Year and hope to see you soon in Israel.



胡星陽 Hu Shing Yang


College of Management, National Taiwan University


