干货满满 “牛剑”教父吴昊惊喜助阵天行创世纪学校

高等教育 0

  截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到97份预录取通知书(含9份直录)。其中英国48份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国6份,加拿大3份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Teensenushered in the campus open day.  Unlikein the past, today’s campus open day event was moved to the new campus.



At 9 o'clock in the morning,Teensenopened its doors to officially welcome the first batch of invited students’parents, and the mystery of this landscape campus was finally unveiled!


Parents and children visited the campusunder the guidance of student volunteers. Many children look forward to beingable to enter Teensen, imagining they were running and learning in the forest.


Mr. Gao, the person in charge of theconstruction of Teensen Campus, explained to the parents about their concernson the teaching facilities, boarding conditions, physical exercise,construction quality, and environmental protection.


Wang Haiyue, Arana of Class 2, SeniorGrace 1, once gave up the key high school admissions that she had already got,and chose to become a member of Teensen students in the year 2019. Her father,Mr. Wang Zhen, shared from a parent's perspective what it means to chooseTeensen. In other words, what the differences are between Teensen and thepublic high schools.

“牛剑”教父吴昊亲临现场 中国精英国际教育面面观


Teensen invited Wu Hao, Howe, thegodfather of “Cambridge & Oxford” who is a handsome man as well as thefounder of Vision Academy to attend this activity. This timehe came to the scene to explain to the visiting students and parents about:




1. Controversy and turning point ofstudying in the United States under the epidemic

2. Britain and America Application TrendAnalysis

3. How to seize the opportunities ofinternational education


The objective and valuable hard-coreinformation won the recognition and praise of the parents of the studentspresent.


In addition, Teensen is the onlystrategic partner school in Jiangxi Province with Vision Academy. Vision Academy officially entered Nanchang,eradicating the resource faults between Beijing/Shanghai and Jiangxi. Vision Academy will join hands with Teensen to build a topinternational school model from four aspects: academic discussion, teachertraining, support the students’ smooth admission to universities, and teachingaccording to the students’ aptitude, and will jointly help students in Jiangxi to enter Oxford and Cambridge.

  校长专题讲座 如何圆梦世界顶尖名校


Every student of Teensen will work withparents and the instructors to make academic plans and career goals from thefirst day of enrollment, and keep track of records and adjustments.


The Vice President Tao Juanjuan, Vivianexplained from the three dimensions of CEM system (self-cognition, career &school exploration, human-vocational-school matching) that how to help studentsimprove their academic abilities and from which aspects to cultivate thestudents’ global leadership, and finally successfully enter the world's topschools.

  中美班掌门人坐镇 解读中美班课程设置及录取方式


In August 2019, Teensen’s Sino-US Classwas born. The first enrollment of the Sino-US class achieved a breakthroughfrom 0 to 11. Through six months of teaching, the students in the Sino-US classachieved good results. For the first time, they teamed up to participate in theAmerican Debate League, and they won the championship, the best debater, themembers of the top 16 competitors and the third place in the group competition.This is also the only championship the student has won in the past three yearsin Jiangxi.


Teacher Xie Wanshun, the head of theSino-US class, introduced the curriculum and admission requirements of theSino-US class on the spot.  The Sino-UScourses are designed around the admission requirements of American universitiesand the individual development of students.

  从教室到学生公寓,从美术教室到生活教室,从图书馆到科学实验室,从室内活动场地到标准的篮球场、足球训练场……细致了解学校后,有家长感慨道:“无论是硬件设施还是师资力量,这个学校的起点和标准还是挺高的,本身对于这个学校我们就很满意,你像是它的教室都很宽敞,设备也都很先进,寄宿条件也都很好,学生在这也放心。只有亲自来看一下,听一下,才会有真正对于这个学校的感受,总之很满意,我也已经填写了预报名表了 ”。

From classrooms to student apartments,from art classrooms to living classrooms, from libraries to sciencelaboratories, from indoor event venues to standard basketball courts andfootball training grounds...After careful understanding of the school, someparents said with emotion: "Whether its hardware facilities or thefaculty, the starting point and standards of this school are quite high. We arevery satisfied with this school. Here are spacious classrooms, advancedequipment, and good boarding conditions. You don’t need to worry about  your children if your children study here.Only by looking at it and listening to it in person will you really have a feeling for this school. In short, I amvery satisfied. I have also filled out the pre-registration form."


This Teensen campus open day event isnot only a school visit and consulting activity for parents and students, butalso an educational and learning journey. In Teensen, beyond the future youforesee.


撰写:Jane        肖   依

编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

翻译:Daisy        周   萍

视频:Louis        胡   猜

            Leo          罗   睿

朗读:Cathy       乐开心

           Coral       万彦珊

主编:Jane        肖   依

总编:Johnson  张世霖

—Power by Teensen Media—

