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  Sharing Housework
     I used to be a lazy boy. I had never done any housework before.But now everything has changed. On the first day of my summer vacation, I found mum was really busy and tired.  I felt sorry.  So I did some washing for her.   I washed many clothes, including my own stockings and trousers. I washed and washed, and when my classmates called me to play football, I paid no attention to them. I thought mum and dad did a lot to bring me up, and I should do something for them. I could share housework with them. When mum saw what I was doing, she praised me greatly. I felt very happy and encouraged.
    这是一篇关于分担家务的高中英语作文,Sharing Housework

    我过去很懒惰。以前我从未做过家务,但是现在一切都变了。在放暑假的第一天,我发现妈妈真是又忙又累。我感到很内疚,于是决定帮她洗衣服。那天,我洗了很 多衣服,包括我的袜子和裤子。我洗了又洗。当我的同学打电话叫我出去打球时,我都没理睬。我想爸爸妈妈养育我不容易,我应当为他们做一些事情来报答他们。 我可以为他们做些家务。当妈妈看到我所做的事情时,表扬了我一番。我感到非常高兴并受到了鼓舞。