学乐小记者:双语阅读 | 一种快捷的支付方式

艺术教育 0

  A Quick Way to Pay


  Of all the advances of the 21st century, one comes immediately to mind: the smartphone.This hand-held computer has grown in popularity since iPhones hit the market about 12 years ago. Now, smartphones can be found almost everywhere.

  提及21世纪的所有进步,有一项会立即出现在脑海中:智能手机。自12年前 iPhone 面市以来,手持计算机越来越受欢迎。现在,智能手机几乎无处不在。

  According to Common Sense Media, teens spend an average of nine hours on their screens each day. Kids may be texting friends, scrolling through social media posts, or watching videos.


  Companies are taking advantage of all of this screen time with apps and other tools that allow purchases to be made with a click or a scan.


  Alipay is one example. The online payment platform was established in China in 2004 by Alibaba. In 2013, Alipay overtook PayPal as the largest payment platform in the world.

  支付宝就是一个例子。这个在线支付平台,由阿里巴巴于2004年在中国建立。2013年,支付宝超过 PayPal 成为全球最大的支付平台。

  Nearly 1 billion people use the app. The process is simple: Scan the QR code in the storefront window, press pay on your phone, and type in a passcode.


  Everyone is assigned an electronic "wallet" which links to an individual’s bank account, allowing all types of funds to enter or exit.



  Wang Fang has been a vendor at a farmers’ market in Shanghai, China, for 20 years.


  "In the past three years," Fang observed, "more and more people have been choosing electronic payments. All you need is your phone and your fingerprint."


  Fang said that it's impossible to have a business these days without a sign out front that says, "Electronic payments accepted." An estimated 50% of customers in China now pay for their items electronically.


  Young people are using the platform the most. Having grown up with smartphones and laptops, they tend to be more technologically advanced than their elders.



  As payment platforms became increasingly accessible across China, teens are learning how to spend their money wisely.


  "Electronic payments have given me new responsibilities, both positive and negative," said Andrew Huang, an eighth-grade classmate and friend who has a thriving YouTube presence.

  "With the convenience of these apps, I'm given more opportunities to run errands, but also to spend my allowance. I find myself spending a lot more of my own money."


  Many teens have the same issue—how to spend one’s money conscientiously amid all of the conveniences.


  "Walking down the street, I may be tempted to buy a snack,"Andrew added, "because I have easy access to my electronic wallet."


  According to Fang, the switch from cash to apps is worth it. "Electronic payments have changed our way of paying,"she said, "making everything more efficient."


  · electronic payment

  a way of paying for a goods or services electronically, instead of using cash or a check, in person or by mail.


  学乐教育集团自2005年进驻中国以来,与国际教育专家紧密合作,结合先进研究结果与创新技术,为全球儿童打造综合学习课程。凭借丰富的学术资源与专业经验,“学乐英语”已经成为中国英语教育行业的引领者。现在,学乐已在全中国包括北京、上海、广州在内的各级城市,开设了近300家教学中心及教学点。 多年来,学乐通过科学先进的教学体系帮助众多3-18岁的儿童及青少年全面提高听、说、读、写各项英语能力。在中国,每家教学中心都配有一座标志性的学乐原版英文图书馆,内含千余册原版儿童及青少年英文原版书籍供孩子们免费借阅。所有图书均经过Lexile蓝思分级,为不同英语程度的学员提供了丰富的课外读物。学乐相信让孩子从小养成阅读的好习惯,不仅有助于孩子学好英语,拓展知识面,还为他们打开了一扇通往精彩世界的大门。在学乐,我们不仅教授孩子扎实的英语技能,更注重培养他们优秀的品质。正因为如此出色的教学成果,学乐英语品牌被越来越多的家长喜爱和推崇。

