I AM LIGHT张晓光幼儿园设计事务所(2005-2020年)作品合集全球首次公开发布

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I AM LIGHT幼儿园设计事务所作品全球首次公开发布,让我们先来了解一下I AM LIGHT的创意观点和设计思路。

The work of I AM LIGHT Kindergarten Design Office was released for the first time in the world. Let us first understand the creative ideas and design ideas of I AM LIGHT.

①I AM LIGHT(全称:张晓光幼儿园国际设计事务所),我们认为认为每一套设计作品都是根据未来世界幼教体系发展的形式展开的,探索建筑与教育之间的关系,多维度缔造儿童活动空间,创造出能流动、有温度、有深度、有情怀、更有灵魂的儿童空间形象。

①I AM LIGHT (full name: Zhang Xiaoguang Kindergarten International Design Office), we believe that each set of design works is based on the development of the future world preschool education system, exploring the relationship between architecture and education, and creating a space for children in multiple dimensions To create a space image of children who can flow, have temperature, have depth, have feelings, and have more soul.

②在I AM LIGHT,我们有一个非常简单的想法;如果我们让一所幼儿园给孩子的感觉是它自然地“属于”一个温暖的家、一个充满爱的世界、一个承载有趣童年的地方,或者合乎情理地与其相配,那么孩子们很可能会有一种属于那个地方的感觉。这套方法将教育、美、信心、安全与舒适的理论相互衔接。

② At I AM LIGHT, we have a very simple idea; if we let a kindergarten give children the feeling that it naturally “belongs” to a warm home, a world full of love, a place that hosts interesting childhood, or Matching it logically, the children are likely to feel like they belong to that place. This approach bridges the theories of education, beauty, confidence, safety, and comfort.

③在I AM LIGHT,我们相信世界一流的幼儿园设计与空间性能具有内在的联系。通过模糊内部和外部之间的界限,我们的空间将孩子与自然联系起来,从而形成健康和富有成效的环境,时时刻刻提醒孩子们,即使他们在里面,他们也与环境密切相关。

③ At I AM LIGHT, we believe that the world-class kindergarten design is intrinsically linked to space performance. By blurring the lines between inside and outside, our space connects children with nature to form a healthy and productive environment, reminding children at all times that even if they are inside, they are closely related to the environment.

④在I AM LIGHT,我们在设计过程的各个阶段使用各种各样的分析工具来了解园所建筑的能源使用,热舒适度,材料影响,自然通风,日光管理以及许多其他性能考虑因素。

④ At I AM LIGHT, we use a variety of analysis tools at all stages of the design process to understand the energy use, thermal comfort, material impact, natural ventilation, daylight management, and many other performance considerations of the building.

      123International Early Education Center


Zhang Xiaoguang International Architects' design work in 2018. The original design of the project is to build a comprehensive teaching and research platform that has no regularity, does not need to be trapped in style, and can promote the common growth of teachers, parents, and children.

Such a spatial combination layout adds a sense of privacy, intimacy and freshness to the entire internal structure. The combination of the log stripe finish and the curved glass windows reinforces this feeling. For children, it is fully in line with their nature and stimulates their emotions.

      Alsolin International Kindergarten

张晓光先生经常提起:“ 幼儿园一定要崇尚自然教育,大自然才是孩子们真正的课堂 ”。必须深入到大自然去仔细观察大自然的一些事物,因为大自然的每一种形状都包含数学、维度、情绪和复杂性等多重关系,这些是跟孩子们息息相关的。所以一切幼儿园的设计都是大自然的设计。
Mr. Zhang Xiaoguang often mentioned: "Kindergartens must advocate nature education, and nature is the real classroom for children." You must go deep into nature to observe some things in nature, because every shape of nature contains multiple relationships such as mathematics, dimensions, emotions, and complexity, which are closely related to children. So all kindergarten designs are designed by nature.

In particular, let the children in the city return to nature, get close to the earth, lead them to play games in nature, and experience the harmony and balance that people should have, nature and nature, which is not only for the sake of Environmental education is also the care and cultivation of the naive mind.

       Bica Street 幼儿园
       Bica Street Kindergarten

Bica Street 幼儿园以特色教育为发展方向,融特色于全面教育中。主张“尊重、关爱、阳光、自信”的教育理念,以专业提升品质、以品质提升价值。

Bica Street Kindergarten focuses on special education and integrates features into comprehensive education. It advocates the education concept of "respect, care, sunshine, and self-confidence" to promote quality with professionalism and value with quality.


The castle-like features of the building cleverly blend childishness with European style, creating a mood in Andersen's fairy tales. At the same time, the outdoor activity venue space provides some game venue settings that are in line with social life. It is mainly determined according to the characteristics of children's activities at different ages. Each play space is equipped with different content and forms of facilities according to children of different ages , And each has its own characteristics, in line with the laws of children's outdoor activities, has a strong appeal.

      Versailles International Kindergarten


The whole kindergarten not only has a light, lively architectural form based on fresh, beautiful and modern tone, breaking the dignity and dullness brought by the concrete box, but also pursuing the majestic overall shape of the building, full of neoclassical French style. Pay attention to embellishment in nature, do not care about the size of the area, the pursuit of color and internal connection, so that children feel a lot of space for activity, and there is an urge to enter this space.


The roof has a sloped surface, and the color is stable and strong, showing a kind of luxury. At the same time, it also intentionally presents the conflict between the building and the surrounding environment. The kindergarten designer pursues the consideration of ideal scenarios, the poetic and poetic context of the architectural space, and strives to deeply infect people.

       Alerton International kindergarten


Aidon Public School is a pure English high-end kindergarten. The design of the kindergarten is inspired by the symbol of architectural space. In order to make children curious about the architectural space, so that children have a more comfortable learning environment, stronger life fun and gaming experience, we take inspiration from nature, and add some emotional, dynamic, rich Some architectural symbols of vitality to balance the relationship between the character and children reflected in the entire kindergarten space. That is: the intimate communication between the building and the children.


We hope that design can be integrated with nature, data technology, and emotion to make design life.

      Baoli Foreign Language School


The overall design combines the centralized functional layout to realize the integration of ordinary classrooms, professional classrooms, administrative offices, and logistics services; the interior area design is dominated by multifunctional composite spaces, which breaks the single tedious space function layout of traditional primary and secondary schools; This type of functional room is centrally arranged to provide students with core shared activity spaces for exhibition, rest, communication, and entertainment; it has flexible and open teaching spaces, transforming the negative space of traditional classrooms into positive spaces, and increasing storage, office, music, Multifunctional area for entertainment.


       The Baoli Foreign Language School cooperates with Beijing Tsinghua University and the Renmin University of China primary school. The school has a total of 24 regular teaching classes and 8 functional classrooms (including calligraphy, dance, fencing, computer programming lectures and debates, etc.), and small class teaching.

      Beijing Huashan Jiansheng Kindergarten


Huashan Jiansheng Education is an educational institution with a history of 93 years. It was founded by Mr. Xiong Hui in 1923.In 1975, the first kindergarten was established by her daughter, Ms. Xiong Mingyue, in Taipei, Taiwan. Later, campuses were set up in various places in Taiwan, Beijing, Jinan and other places. Taiwan team with over 40 years of preschool education experience. The course includes all the early education courses in the workshop: baby massage, SPA, sensory integration courses, Montessori teaching, American children's language. The first educational institution in China to introduce the Big Data education system.


The park combines all the iconic elements of the previous kindergarten, and adds some unique elements. Due to the vast and interesting outdoor space and the protected natural environment, Huashan Jiansheng Kindergarten has upgraded child care and early education into an art. Some areas of the kindergarten are deliberately undecorated, and the ground and walls provide a place for children to consider issues.Every space combines fantasy and reality, work and play, fun and responsibility. The space in the eyes of children has different feelings, experiences, scales and colors from adults. Therefore, we think from the original building itself.Let every place be a personal space for children to play.

      Kindergarten on the hillside


This is a "kindergarten built on a hillside". The project is located in Nanning, Guangxi, with an area of more than 900 square meters. The original building can only be flat and conservative on the flat ground. Our designer broke the traditional thinking. We think that the building can actually be like a toy in a garden. Too much control, restrain children, let children run freely, this can fully release their nature.


Due to the large deviation in the elevation of the indoor and outdoor terrain, we have made some natural transitions in the terrain. We can set up hillsides in the kindergarten to allow some objective things of nature to be integrated into the kindergarten. The impression is that the building was built in a Above the green small slope, in fact, this is just an illusion. The original building itself was a regular one-story building body, which cleverly used the slope of the terrain, plus the original planting of various ecological plants, neutralizing the more natural visual experience In terms of function, it is also conducive to drainage. Therefore, architecture can change the world, children's lives, and more importantly, education.

      Jiangxi Jiguanshan Kindergarten


children live in reinforced concrete cities, there is always a "hidden", innate curiosity, naughty nature, nowhere to release, the green mountains die green, birds scent of flowers, streams of water, grass grass ... ... these natural scenes full of vitality and vitality seem to be getting farther and farther away from them. Only the nature of nature can give children a sense of healing.


The kindergarten has sand pools, tools, large wooden stakes, and various living appliances or natural objects. Children of different ages can create, combine, transform, and move various materials based on their rich imagination; meet the needs of their physical and mental and intellectual development such as body movement, cognitive construction, communication and cooperation; and enjoy the sun when playing The happiness under the air realizes the value of creation in the game and self-development in the game.

      Hua Tong International Batam Education Complex


The project designed a circular shared area with family units in the central field. All functional partitions are arranged around it, and the use of building flow lines to build a different "spatial experience" inside the building, creating a more With more imagination space, children's play paths have also changed from single to multiple and imaginative.


Huatong Education Complex has planned a number of functional groups including an international kindergarten, British Batam Children's Club, International Early Education Centre, Children's Vocational Experience City and International Preschool Education Training Center.

      AbOUT US

I AM LIGHT(全名:张晓光幼儿园国际设计事务所)充满童趣创造成果的故事是由中国著名建筑大师张晓光(Andre)先生于2005年开启,是新时代下具有国际化视野的专业儿童空间形象设计研究中心、I AM LIGHT经过岁月的洗礼,见证了中国教育行业的发展及未来前景设计预测分析,在中国以及全世界幼儿园崛起的过程中扮演著举足轻重的角色。

A、在 I AM LIGHT,我们倡导“以国际化视野与一流的品牌理念驱动设计输出,中西融合,协力为中国特色儿童空间打造国际化品牌高端形象,提升园所的品牌价值”。

B、在 I AM LIGHT,我们主要研究幼儿园、国际学校品牌设计、建筑设计、室内设计、场地规划设计、景观设计、玩教具产品研发。

C、在 I AM LIGHT,我们秉承的设计原则:世界眼光、国际标准、中国特色 、高点定位。


DESIGN:I AM LIGHT 张晓光幼儿园国际设计事务所

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