
就业培训 0


I'm very lucky to have the chance to return to Teensen again after graduation and continue to get along with my lovely teachers . For me, Teensen is really a special place. For three years in high school, it changed me and gave me direction.


For me, the best luck is to meet a group of lovely teachers, who ignited my youth. So that I feel that in my studentdays, the biggest regret may be that I failed to get the satisfactory result of the teacher I like. Therefore, I want to do my best to learn every subject as well as I can, and live up to the efforts of my favorite teachers.


They always say little, do a lot, but every word impressed me, every word made me clear, every word benefited me a lot. I remember that when I was down, the head teacher always found out at the first time, and then said "delay you for five minutes". As a result, I chatted with her for an hour or two until she took me out of the haze. I remember that when the exam was not ideal, Jo would tell me, "sometimes hard work does not have results, but we still have to work hard for the next life."



At the end of this month's exam, my grades were not ideal, and even I was tired of learning. When zero, the head teacher, heard about this, he took me to the office for tea. I was so flustered that I thought he was going to spit fragrance on my mouth and ask me to write a review. But he said only two words: "don't leave the world to the people you despise, don't be unworthy of your dreams." I was stunned.



When our class got worse results in exams, Michael did not get angry, nor did he rush to seek medical treatment, or copy the training methods of other classes to improve our performance. Instead, we will go out to interview each other one by one, make different plans for each person, summarize the common weaknesses of the classmates in the class, and let us strengthen the practice in the class and in the homework after class. When we asked him why he didn't directly imitate other people's successful methods, he said: "the past opportunity will never come again, and this alone will block 99% of the possibility of success being copied."


记得高一刚开学的时候, Sophia头戴一顶半遮面的帽子走进班里,没有抬头,好像自带一股气场。一瞬间班里安静了下来,我以为这又会是一个很凶的班主任。可没想到下一秒,当她抬起头来冲我们微笑,和我们以朋友一样的聊天方式讲着学校的规章制度的时候,我顿时对这位看起来很“高冷”的老师有了好感。开学一个多月了,我记得她说过最深的一句话就是:“你们以后有任何事情都可以和我说,我很乐意成为你们的倾诉对象,不管是学习上的困难,还是生活上的琐事,凡是遇到困难都可以来找我,我是你们的后盾。不管发生什么事,只要你们没有做错,我会永远都站在你们这边。”Sophia就是这样一个总能令我们感到安心的存在。

I remember when Sophia entered the class at the beginning of the first year of high school, wearing a half covered hat, she didn't look up, as if she had a gas field of her own. For a moment, the class was quiet. I thought it would be a fierce head teacher again. But the next second, when she looked up and smiled at us, and we talked about the school rules and regulations in the same way as our friends, I immediately had a good feeling for this seemingly "high cold" teacher. More than a month after the start of school, I remember her deepest saying: "you can tell me anything in the future. I'm willing to be the object of your talk. No matter it's the difficulty in study or the trivial matter in life, you can come to me whenever you encounter difficulties. I'm your backup. No matter what happens, as long as you don't do something wrong, I will always be on your side. " Sophia is such a reassuring presence.



Shelly is very kind. She calls us baby. In the second class, she woke me up in a more gentle way than other teachers: "I saw a baby... Come on! What's your name? Let me remember you... if you sleep ,you should  help me clean the blackboard, next time stand on the stage ."



In the preparation stage of CIE, a large number of papers, questions, classes, and some review, preview and arrangement plans arranged by myself made me very busy and tired every day. At that time, I was a little nervous. Because of a negative energy circle of friends, Kelvin chatted with me. What impressed me most was this sentence: "if you don't push yourself to despair, you will never know how powerful you are." Because of this sentence, I got back on my feet and turned it into my QQ signature to encourage myself to move forward.



Esther is considerate. When we are confused "do you understand?" "What's the matter?" in our disappointment. Let our hearts warm, in the whole class when there is progress of a "great", is a firm encouragement to us, in all people encounter difficulties of a "refueling", is our driving force forward!


Snow是天行最最最平易近人的老师,她也是最负责的老师,当我学习出现下滑或者没学好时,Snow总是说:“William,你给我交作业。”“William,你试卷写了吗?”她永远是第一个伸出手去帮助我,腾出一切时间去为我做office time的老师,她对人的好不仅是一朝一夕,而是朝朝暮暮。

Snow is the most approachable teacher in Teensen, and she is also the most responsible teacher. When I fell or didn't learn well, snow always said, "William, you hand in my homework." "William, have you written the test paper?" She will always be the first one to extend her hand to help me and free up all the time to be an office time teacher for me. Her kindness to people is not only one day at a time, but also one day at a time.



That evening, my classmates and I went back to the class after supper, waiting for the arrival of self-study in the evening. At this time, Helen came to our class gate, looked at me and said, "how are you doing recently?" I went back: "it's very good, and the learning atmosphere is also very good. Helen began to tell me how to determine my own direction and learning skills in the future. Helen, who impressed me most, said: "no matter what your achievements are, you can't decide your future height. The future is in your own hands, and the key to climbing to a high level is yourself!"

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撰写: Shmily

编辑: Jane


朗读: Cathy  Shmily

主编: Jane

总编: Gary
