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Special report on Du Xingyou,—— “The world is full of peaches and plums, a teacher of Chinese contemporary art


Du Xingyou (1934-), a native of Tianjin, worked as an editor and calligraphy teacher in civil aviation university of china for many years. Recently, he was awarded "the first batch of China red cultural brand figures" and "national special calligrapher" by the state. Love calligraphy for more than eighty years; Engaged in research, creation and teaching for nearly 40 years. Along the vein of calligraphy history, from Shang, Zhou, Jin, Qin, Han, and Shi to Wei and Jin dynasties, all the calligraphies of various generations have chosen to be carefully written close to the original works. Incorporate into a volume, dating into a set. What we have accumulated in this place is already well-regulated. For many years, I made a special study on the structural beauty of regular script, and verified and wrote all the words in the Chinese Dictionary by means of Huang Jinlv's lattice control. On this basis, the book "10,000 Demonstration Words of Golden Section of Regular Script Structure" was written. In the past 30 years, apart from various calligraphy styles and themes, a large number of calligraphy works have been created in regular script with unique personal features, including Thousand-character Works, Continued Thousand-character Works, Three Continued Thousand-character Works, Literary Mind and Carving a Dragon (selected

works), Shipin, Chu Sao Han Fu, Tang and Song poetry articles, etc., which are respectively The published "Golden Section Liquan Ming Lin Ben" and "Golden Section Regular Script Thousand Characters" are used to guide teaching and assist self-study.
