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Introduction to Feng Jian'an

    Feng Jian'an, born in July 1977 in Xinhui, Guangdong Province, with a bachelor's degree, is a member of the Communist Party of China, an art educator, and an excellent calligraphy and painting instructor. National first-class artist; Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee; Vice President of Beijing Jinghua Pavilion Painting and Calligraphy Academy; Honorary Vice President of Shandong Qingdao Branch of Beijing Contemporary Hanmo Culture and Art Academy; Member of Chinese Couplet Association; Member of the People's Fine Arts Artists Committee; Painter employed by Zhongxuan Shengshi International Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Member of Zhongxuan Shengshi Culture and Art Exchange Center of Chinese Couplet Association; Member of the National Federation of Celebrity Painting and Calligraphy Artists; Appointed director of Guozhen Art Garden Calligraphy and Painting Academy; Chinese and foreign celebrity art network "super calligrapher and painter"; Member of the National Union for Calligraphy Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools; Collect the academic guidance and invited artists of national digital TV channels.

    The introduction and excellent works have been compiled into more than 20 classic books of calligraphy and painting, such as "Heart Brings Vast Boundaries", "Science and Education Revitalizes the Country", "Century Brilliance", "Family Style", "Struggle for Chinese People", "Piloting Chinese Contemporary Art Volume", etc. At the same time, they have been invited to Qianlong, China.com, CCTV, ChinaNews, People's Fine Arts, World Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting, The Times, China Auction, etc. He was awarded "People's Artist", "People's Artist with Both Virtue and Art", "Artist with the Most Collection Value", "21st Century Chinese Cultural Celebrity", "Chinese Artist Image Ambassador", "Young Outstanding Artist", "Blue and White Cup. The Highest Achievement Award of Chinese Traditional Culture", "China's 100 Outstanding Artists", "2022 National Two Sessions News Artist", "Beijing Winter Olympics Art Image Ambassador" "Outstanding Artist in the New Era" and other honorary titles. In 2017, he participated in Xinnawanjing - the First National Exhibition of Famous Artists Invitation Exhibition; The work was exhibited on the big screen of NASDAQ Stock Exchange on October 15, 2018 (US Eastern Time); Attended the Hungarian Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition for Sino European Cultural Exchange and awarded the Ambassador of Sino Hungarian Culture and Art Communication; It was selected into the theme tour of "Inheritance of Art" of Beijing Metro.

忽然一夜清香发  散作乾坤万里春





All of a sudden, the fragrance diffuses all night long

——Interpreting Feng Jian'an, the Artist

    When you first read Mr. Feng Jian'an's works, you will be amazed. His works are full of bright colors, rich in tendons and bones. When you look closely, you can see that the ink is dense and the water mist is ethereal and dreamlike. Combine the real things with what you want in your heart, rather than using techniques deliberately.

    Feng Jian'an, whose stage name is Shujian, is a lifelong consultant of Aiyi. com; Member of China Folk Custom Association; Art consultant of the Chinese Culture Research Institute; Senior Researcher of China International Modern Art Research Center; Individual was selected into the "Chinese Culture Hall of Fame" of the Chinese Culture Research Institute and awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Culture Celebrity"; Invited by China International Calligraphy and Artists Association as the "Image Ambassador of Chinese Artists"; China International Modern Art Research Center awarded the honorary title of "Young Outstanding Artist"; The Chinese Traditional Aesthetics Research Association and the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting awarded the "Blue and White Cup, the highest achievement

应物象形 随类赋彩——记著名书画家冯健安

    在当代画坛,书画家冯健安的作品是一个独特的存在!他的丹青画法深师古风,但是独有借古开今的主旨经营智慧,古法不古板,笔墨当随时代!他把传统画法磨砺到炉火纯清,善用兼工带写的娴熟技法创作盛世当歌的丹青大格局。把旧式文人画意予把玩的小家子气,尽悉革除,让山水、花鸟、人物作品合成时代精神的镜像,观其画大振心颜,有磅礴之势,也有淋漓之盛,生成了当代新文人画的新面目!   搞好绘画创作,第一要义是把造型问题解决完美。当下,有俗笔作画,笔力不足,造型不精,画出来的东西糊涂一片,法不正宗,技不精湛,却言是“表现主义”。这种不依法度而进行的了草涂抹,把东方审美重视形神兼备的美术原则抛到了九霄云外!弄出来的中国画,仅存其名,绝无其实。反观冯健安先生中国画作品,可以兼工带写,工笔写实,出神入化,精益求精,绝不含糊。写意传神,遂心应手,天质自然,游刃有余。 






