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Special report on Lv Shaohua,—— “The world is full of peaches and plums, a teacher of Chinese contemporary art”


    Lu Shaohua, a French painter and 1945, was born in Xiaguan. State first-class artists, special allowance by the State Council. In 1965, he studied at the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. In 1977, he taught at the French École des Beaux-Arts and studied oil painting. He obtained a doctorate in École des Beaux-Arts oil painting, he was also an honorary citizen of Paris and a Order of the Polar Star winner. He was named the principal artist by Guoli culture and art website At the same time, he was listed in Forbes China's top 10 Chinese celebrities.


    He is currently the Executive Director of the China International Academy of Painting and calligraphy, the director of the Yellow River culture and Art Research Institute of the Ministry of Culture, the vice-president of the Beijing International Association for the Exchange of Science, technology and art, the graduate supervisor of the Fine Arts Department of the Royal Oxford College in the United Kingdom, and the Doctor of the Royal Swedish Academy of Art, honorary President of the World non-heritage Development Association for life. He was awarded a Fellowship of life by Harvard University and appointed Dean of the China branch of the Royal College of Art. He is a visiting professor at Peking University, Tsinghua University and China Central Academy of Fine Arts University.







