剑桥博士领航 四大博士顾问天团重磅加盟天行创世纪

高等教育 0


Since the establishment of Teensen Genesis School in Wanli, it has attracted the attention of people from all communities. it was reported that the general president is about to take the lead in "Teensen Genesis School" this autumn. It is like a bombshell detonating the education industry in Nanchang, with the report of the luxurious principal teams in Teensen which was launched, Teensen Genesis School has once again become the Centre of attention. Today, we will continue to launch the Ph.D. advisor group, which will take you through the strong lineup of teachers in Teensen Genesis School.


Excellent education starts with free choice. Teensen genesis school helps you make the best choice !


Recently, the "Principal Teams" of Teensen genesis school was exposed for the first time, and the strong top-level team provided a solid guarantee for creating quality education! This is a group of educational elites who are "moral first, educating people first, leading development, ability first, lifelong learning". Their formal joining will ignite Nanchang Education in this summer and help Teensen genesis school toward the national first-class international characteristics school in steady progress.


As a high-quality K12 international school, we strive to provide our teacher team and every student with international perspective on the basis of their own feelings of home and country, and be able to look at their own today and future with a development perspective. For this reason, our school has invited well-known international education experts to form a "doctor consultant group" to provide teachers and students with the most authoritative academic support and entrance guidance.


Today, the editor has launched the "PhD Advisor Group" for you, revealing the "professional escort" who is stable and far-reaching for their educations.

张铁光 总顾问




黄轩  Stephen 学术顾问



陈美华 Mandy 学术顾问



付凯  Nemo 学术顾问



The strong line-up of Ph.D. consultants and experts of Teensen are well-known in the domestic and international education fields. They joined Teensen genesis school, which will contribute to the characteristics of the international education system in school development, the improvement of the international curriculum system and functions, the continuous development of teacher professionalism and the motivation of students vigorous and up-to-date professional analysis and guidance in many aspects; they will be able to set the channel for rapid development, first-class innovation and the pursuit of excellence in Teensen which will enable the world education to be close at hand and globalization winds to blow through the campus.


Creating elite education and promoting the quality of Teensen, the “Ph.D. consultant group” officially set sail !


撰写:Jane      肖   依

编辑:Wendy   贾西贝

朗读:Jessice  吴子欣

           Geogria  魏嘉莹

主编:Jane       肖   依

总编:Johnson  张世霖

—Power by Teensen Media—

